"What" Query
Below there is a list of for the what
Name | Description |
shop | Any type of shop |
hostel | a hostel |
embassy | a nation's embassy |
pharmacy | a pharmacy |
diplomatic | any diplomatic office i.e. consulate, embassy, etc. |
atm | a cash machine, automatic teller machine |
village | a settlement of people smaller than a town |
hospital | a hospital |
clinic | a clinic (as in a smaller hospital) |
school | a primary or secondary school |
healthcare | any healthcare office, i.e. doctor, quiropractor, etc. |
train_stop | a train stop |
bank | a bank as in money bank |
parking | a parking lot |
town | a town |
dentist | a dentist |
laboratory | a laboratory |
studio | TV, Radio studio |
hotel | a hotel |
club | a club of any type |
subway | a metro / subway station |
city | a city |
doctor | a doctor's office |
hand_washing | amenities for washing hands available |
bus_stop | a bus stop |
museum | a museum |
water_station | a place to refill water bottles |